Saturday, July 27, 2024
It's Sweet to Share!

Food Appreciation

It's Sweet to Share!

Every once in a while my husband and I attempt to perform a body cleanse. It’s a wicked three day process of combining starvation and drinking liquid muck, at least that is what I call any form of wheat grass. My sister compels me to try the Lemonade Cleanse, but it doesn’t sound very dreadful, and isn’t that the true test of something which benefits your health – it must be profoundly rotten?

Well I got horribly sick after the first day, tantamount to what felt like food poisoning so I switched to a fruit/juice cleanse and took it easy while Gabriel finished with long strides. Sunday night, after the long haul, we decided to head off to bed early to sleep off the hunger. We laid in bed for two hours and talked about tacos, pasta salad, peanut butter cake, grilled tuna sandwiches, and all the more food we would consume the following morning and giggling with glee at the thought, which quite honestly did nothing to curb the hunger we were trying to avoid as you might expect. Finally we settled on immediately consuming a platter of homemade Nachos decorated with a mix of Colby and Mozzarella Cheese, refried and black beans, corn, olives, sour cream, and salsa while watching reruns of Lost.

No, this is not a photo taken of professional actors; we are that excited and what I love most about this photo is that we look like a brand new married couple so proud of our first meal, precious!

A few days before the onset of the cleanse I spied a post by Food Blogga which I have been fighting the urge to sneak into the kitchen to bake. Now that we have completed this ridiculous cleanse, it was my first masterpiece.

Cake: Mini Banana Maple Bundt
Glaze: Maple Walnut Butter

I was concerned at first that the called for maple syrup in the batter would be too much, but I trusted Susan and went with it; good call and with reason, it’s Food Blogga! I would add more milk, probably double, I like my cakes a little more moist. Plus, I don’t know what size bundt pans she has, but I duplicated her recipe with strict adherence and my results were only 12 adorable cakes. Also with the glaze, throw everything in the pan at once – it’s fine! Plus, whose not to love her commentary on post-Kenysian economics?

Stay tuned: Wednesday (possibly technically Thursday depending how difficult I find it containing my excitment for Christmas) blog on Claire’s!


It's Sweet to Share!
Previous articleWarm Buns
Next articleEat More Fruit
  1. OH! sweetie! i didn't know you were doing the lemon cleanse!? crazy! I totally did that on thanksgiving in high school! i thought i was fat (barf!) anyways, so, i can NOT do it now because of nursing. BUT tried the 4 cups of warm water with 2 tsp sea salt. OH good golly miss molly.. it was horrid! anyways, i told my mom that i didn't know you were supposed to do 4 WHOLE cups I thought i would get it down faster by doing 1/2 a cup with 2 tsp of salt!
    yeah it was DEADLY!!!!

    anyways, I hear you on the whole food appreciation front! i too had a LIST a MILE long while doing that cleanse of all the fabulous things i would soon make once i was off of it!>

    BY THE WAY.. good choice..


    LOVE YOU! yay for lost tonight!

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