Saturday, July 27, 2024

Catherine Olson

Partners In Crime

How do you tell the story of your child's first year of life? How do you explain each overwhelming emotion from happiness and elation,...

Little Mother

Growing up as the youngest of six children I relished in the moments when I got to play little Mother to my sister's children:...


I always feel a genuine sense of accomplishment (and a little bit of pride) when I bake something new, and it turns out beautifully....

Only Two Rules Apply

February is such a fun month for desserts, wherein only two rules apply:#1: Add Chocolate#2: Create Heart ShapesWhen did anyone ever go wrong by...

The Abyss

Danger Dogg turned 5 years old on September 19. Though I'm only about two months behind blogging about our fun day, we celebrated with...

“I Am A Bad Man”

Since it's already a few days past E7, and I'm just now sharing our dinner details of S6E6, I'll spare you the drawn out...

Layer on the Love

The first Valentine's Day Gabriel and I spent together was in 2002. We would be married in August of the same year, though at...

SHF #61: Sweet Comforts

This month's theme for Sugar High Friday is Sweet Comforts: Desserts You Turn to for Comfort, and is hosted by A Merrier World.When I...

Twisted Treats

I had a friend growing up, my BFF, through the 6th grade until I received a letter from her while I was away for...

6 hours & 12 minutes

We live exactly 6 hours and 12 minutes from Las Vegas, by car. I'm not really a big "Vegas" fan, but the sound of...

About Me

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A Must Try Recipe