Thursday, July 25, 2024
It's Sweet to Share!

Layer on the Love

It's Sweet to Share!

The first Valentine’s Day Gabriel and I spent together was in 2002. We would be married in August of the same year, though at the time we didn’t know it. Gabriel planned the whole evening: He made steaks for dinner, and we dipped strawberries in chocolate fondue for dessert.

We spent the evening together in my apartment. We still have the blanket in the picture; that night Gabriel laid it on the floor for dinner as he hosted an indoor picnic. This picture was taken by a camera that Gabriel had since, and during his mission 3 years prior. I wore a cute light pink V-neck cashmere sweater.

Since that night, Valentine’s Day has always been Gabriel’s holiday. It was never discussed, it just happened. He plans it every year and like our first Valentine’s together, each year plays host to a day of layered romance.

Today, Pammy and I are bringing you ideas that will help you layer on the love for your own Valentine’s Day celebration. Pammy is sharing a great idea for re-purposing old layered clothing, while over here I’m talking about cookies!

Sugar Cookies are super versatile, particularly when it comes to decorating, but what about the dough?

Layered Sugar Cookies

1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1 egg
Beat together until creamy

3 cups flour
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon cream of tartar

Mix until well combined

2-4 tablespoons milk until dough is a play dough like consistency
Food coloring

Repeat until you have 3 batches, and three distinct colors
Refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours

Roll one color to ¼ inch on lightly floured surface
Repeat for each color
Stack colors atop each other and gently roll and press with rolling pin to attach colors
Cut desired shapes

Chill cut dough on cookie sheet for additional ½ hour

Bake at 400°F, 5-10 depending on thickness of cookie-or until a barely detectable shade of golden appears on the base of the cookie
Let cool on wire rack
Coat with your favorite frosting or glaze and decorate
Yields 30-45 cookies

When you have finished cutting all your layered cookies, collect all the remaining dough and roll it together to create Tie-dye Cookies

Now: Go see what Pammy’s up to!

Enter my giveaway to win

1 ½ pounds of Valentine’s Day Fahrenheit 350°

for your sweetheart.
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One year ago: Pure Love, Sugar Cookies


It's Sweet to Share!
  1. What a great idea!!! My son and I added green food coloring to our Xmas sugar cookies, but we added too much and by the time it baked, it was just this deep dark color and not very holiday-like at all!!!

    I love the layers! These look delicious!!

    Stopping by from SITS. 🙂

  2. What a great idea! Why wouldn't you layer cookies? Cakes are layered! I love it! (PS cute pic of you and Gabe!) He sounds like a romantic 🙂

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