Friday, July 26, 2024
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Why this Perfect Crumb Lemon and Blueberry Cake Will Satisfy your Every Craving

It's Sweet to Share!

Lemon and Blueberry never had it so good. Wrapped together with thick and yummy sweet blueberry cake batter and covered in a delicious lemon butter glaze, this lemon and blueberry cake is pillowy soft, melts in your mouth, is dotted with tart blueberries and is absolutely gorgeous to look at.

My only advice is this very apt rhyme: Make this cake, do not hesitate.

lemon and blueberry cake

Truth be told, the last encounter I had with a bundt cake pan ended with decimated cake wallpapering my kitchen. It’s not a good look. Bundt cake and I have a long history of love loss.

I’m not sure who is to blame, but I kicked that bundt cake pan out of my life forever!

But then, as I was thinking about this lemon and blueberry cake I found a fresh and crisp $10 bill in my wallet. I took it as overwhelming confirmation that I needed to make this cake in a bundt pan. I didn’t even question whether or not Ross would have a bundt cake pan for $9.99, I just knew they would; and they did.

It was fate. I decided to try again — and what a loss it would be had I not. The world needs this cake.

Why this Perfect Crumb Lemon and Blueberry Cake Will Satisfy your Every Craving
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Lemon and Blueberry Cake

My friend Lisa shared this recipe with me over 10 years ago, and I still love it so very much.

This delicious lemon and blueberry cake is worth all the hard work. It is thick, moist, and creamy all at the same time, while the blueberries burst with flavor. It has a crumbly outer crust and blends beautifully together.

lemon and blueberry cake

Lemon and Blueberry Cake

Catherine Olson
This delicious lemon and blueberry cake is thick, moist, and creamy all at the same time, while the blueberries burst with flavor.
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 1 hour
Course Dessert
Cuisine Italian
Servings 12 pieces



  • 2 tablespoons grated lemon zest
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 2 ½ cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 2 cups fresh blueberries


  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup powdered sugar



  • Mix together zest and white sugar until aromatic
  • Let rest for 30 minutes minimum
  • Toss blueberries with 1 tablespoon flour and let rest
  • Cream zest and sugar with brown sugar and butter
  • Add eggs one at a time, and whip until fluffy
  • Add vanilla and fresh lemon juice until incorporated
  • Add 1 cup of flour, powder and salt and stir to combine
  • Stir in ½ of the sour cream stirring to combine
  • Add another cup of flour and stir to combine
  • Add remaining sour cream, stirring to combine
  • Finish with ½ cup of flour and blueberries, lightly tossing just until mixed in
  • Just before baking, thoroughly grease a bundt cake pan then flour
  • Spoon batter into cake pan
  • Bake at Fahrenheit 350° for 60-70 minutes until browned and a toothpick inserted comes out clean
  • Allow to rest in pan for 20 minutes
  • Invert onto wire rack, but leave in pan until completely cooled
  • Drape glaze liberally over cake and allow to drip off sides when ready to serve


  • Whisk all ingredients together until smooth
Keyword Lemon and Blueberry Cake

Does This Yummy Cake Have to be Made in a Bundt Pan?

I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is no. Just a few weekends ago, while staying in an airbnb, I made this lemon and blueberry cake in a 9×13 casserole dish.

It turned out perfectly.

Can I Use Frozen Blueberries for this Lemon and Blueberry Cake?

You can, but I would keep frozen until just before adding to batter, otherwise your entire cake may turn out blue.

How to Wash a Bundt Cake Pan

Always handwash your bundt cake pan. You really want to keep it in it’s natural condition as much as possible.

  • Don’t soak it
  • Don’t let it sit in water

How to Grease a Bundt Cake Pan

Go overboard.

The best way to grease a bundt cake pan is to liberally apply butter, methodically, in every crease. Then add a second layer of oil and rotate the pan until that too has covered every inch. Place upside down over a cup in your sink for the extra oil to drip off. Then finally, sprinkle sugar over every surface to ensure you haven’t missed one single micro space.

Don’t miss a single spot!

Nothing is worse than a bundt cake that won’t come out of the bundt cake pan.

Blueberry and Lemon Bundt Cake

What if I Have a Non-Stick Bundt Pan?

Never trust it. Grease it anyway.

What is the Best Bundt Cake Pan?

My personal preference is Nordic Ware. They have the most beautiful pans and designs.

As I divulged earlier, I am a fan of Ross and you can generally find Nordic Ware there; Costco also sells their bakeware.

Yes, I am an amazon affiliate. How else do you think I pay for my baking addiction?

Is a Bundt Cake the Same as Angel Food Cake?


Angel Food Cake is just egg whites, sugar and flour whipped. They too are delicious!

Bundt Cakes are more similar to pound cakes, but really all that makes a bundt cake a bundt cake, is the type of pan it’s cooked in.

lemon and blueberry cake

Make This Lemon and Blueberry Bundt Cake!

If you make this cake, tag @Fahrenheit350sweets on Instagram so I can see it! And I’d love it if you left a review and a comment below! 

More Amazing Blueberry Dessert Recipes to Bake at Fahrenheit350°!


It's Sweet to Share!


  1. This looks amazing! What a cute blog and I LOVE your avatar! I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog while I was visiting someone else's? I think at the Sookie giveaway! Anyway, I'm having some giveaways myself and I hope you'll come by and enjoy the fun!

    xoxo AMY (Park-Avenue Princess)

  2. Love the shape of your bundt pan. And this recipe looks amazing. Now I know what to do with my blueberries!

  3. Now the craving's passed on to me! My experience with Bundt cakes have been hit and miss, too. For some reason, not every nook and cranny gets greased/floured so the cake sticks. Yours came out beautifully! Maybe I should give it another go, this time using the pan I received from my 101 year old foster grandmother! (It would be nice, too, if I found a crisp $10 bill to further motivate me!) 8-D

  4. I've never made a bundt cake, so when I saw yours I was totally inspired to dip my blueberries and
    lemon into the huge bowl I have and stir up a cake. Oops! no bundt pan in my enormous stock of
    kitchen baking pans. So taking a "cue from you", I went to Ross. There was a bundt cake pan just like yours. Now it's mine, and I can hopefully make one that will look just like the one in the picture.

    I got the recipe. So, thanks for all your help!

  5. Oh how I love Ross. I use bundt pans for almost every cake I make. I swear they make even a plain cake mix cake taste yummy. I tried this cake and turned out so good. I even hid some for me to take to work and told everyone it was all gone. Thanks =)

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