Saturday, July 27, 2024
It's Sweet to Share!

Say Good Morning to Spring with this Beautiful Custard Strawberry Pie

It's Sweet to Share!

For our family, spring means General Conference, and General Conference means pie. Custard Strawberry Pie, Blackberry Pie, Key Lime Pie, Orange Pecan Pie, Walnut Pie… Basically, whatever pie the children can agree they want to have. 

This custard strawberry pie came about one Sunday as I was sitting in Primary. I heard the teacher remind the kids that next week was General Conference. Immediately one of the children yelled out, “That means doughnuts!”

I loved the idea of creating a family tradition around conference! We have traditions for our other annual family holidays and celebrations, and this is just as important! 

It was then I decided we needed our own family General Conference traditions. Our tradition is now pie! Breakfast pie for each morning session, hamburger pie for Saturday afternoon, and pizza pie for the final Sunday session. 

Custard Strawberry Pie

Say Good Morning to Spring with this Beautiful Custard Strawberry Pie

This is a gorgeous dessert and it tastes even better than it looks.

It’s perfect for spring or summer and will look beautiful on any table. Imagine this dessert blooming at a garden party on a mild summer evening with the sun setting on the horizon.

Say Good Morning to Spring with this Beautiful Custard Strawberry Pie

Custard Strawberry Pie

Catherine Olson
A sweet dough filled with vanilla custard and topped with plump ripe strawberries!
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 8 slices



  • 9 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1 ½ cups flour
  • 1 egg


  • 1 ½ cups milk
  • ¾ cup white sugar
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 4 egg whites
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • ½ cup milk
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 5 tablespoons butter


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • 3 oz strawberry jello
  • 1 tablespoon butter



  • Cut butter, sugar and flour until crumbly
  • Add egg and mix just until incorporated
  • Transfer dough to a floured work surface
  • Roll out to 1/4 inch
  • Fold in half and lay in ungreased fluted tart pan
  • Unfold and form dough to the tart pan creasing around the edges
  • Prick the bottom of the dough with a fork occasionally
  • Cover with parchment paper and fill with baking beans
  • (If you don't have baking beans, or pie weights, you can cook this without but it may rise a little bit.)
  • Bake at Fahrenheit 350° for 10 minutes
  • Remove from oven and let cool in pan


  • Dissolve sugar and milk over med heat
  • Bring to a low simmer and let cook
  • In a separate bowl whisk eggs and egg whites, cornstarch and milk
  • Pour half of the heated milk very slowly into the egg mixture a tablespoon at a time
  • Return the milk mixture and the egg mixture back to the stove pot
  • Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon
  • Remove from heat
  • Stir in vanilla and butter until melted
  • Cover and chill for 24 hours


  • Bring sugar, water and cornstarch to a boil over medium heat
  • Cook until mixture thickens and becomes translucent
  • Remove from heat and pour in strawberry jello
  • Add 1 tablespoon butter
  • Stir until butter is melted and jello dissolved
  • Let cool to room temperature
  • Pour directly over strawberries


  • Pour chilled custard into crust
  • Slice strawberries vertically, arrange in a circular pattern beginning at the outside edge and spiraling towards the center
  • Cover strawberries with glaze
  • Refrigerate until chilled
Keyword Custard Strawberry Pie

Do I Have to Use this Glaze?

This glaze is a great filling and looks beautiful. It seeps into all the extra places the strawberries don’t fit. 

A simpler alternative is warmed jelly of any flavor. Apricot goes well with any fruit, but strawberry jam or jelly is the obvious choice. 

Say Good Morning to Spring with this Beautiful Custard Strawberry Pie

What is General Conference?

General Conference is an opportunity for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to congregate, no matter where in the world we are and listen to a Prophet’s voice.

Say Good Morning to Spring with this Beautiful Custard Strawberry Pie

Conference is held twice a year, in spring and fall, and is broadcast throughout the world.

From the Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah the First Presidency and Quorum members speak to us from inspiration.

My Testimony

With conference happening twice a year for the past 191 years, I have many favorite talks.

One that stands out to me in particular was in a recent conference by Matthew Holland. In it he reminds us of our gift from our elder brother Jesus Christ. It is titled “The Exquisite Gift of the Son.

In this talk he reminds us that as children of God, He does not punish us, but all things work together for our good.

Say Good Morning to Spring with this Beautiful Custard Strawberry Pie

My Favorite Pans on Amazon

I love my fluted tart pan! I use it all the time and it makes every dessert extra beautiful!

(These affiliate links help support my baking addiction. Thank you so much! If you click on them I will receive a commission at no cost to you.)

This recipe doesn’t expressly require baking beans, but they do make life a lot easier and are a great baking staple to have on hand when you need it.

Make This Yummy Custard Strawberry Pie

If you make this pie, tag @Fahrenheit350sweets on Instagram so I can see it! And I’d love it if you left a review and a comment below! 

More Spring Recipes to Bake at Fahrenheit 350°!


It's Sweet to Share!


  1. Holy crow that looks delicious. Strawberries were on sale yesterday and I didn’t buy any, now I REALLY wish I would have. If I don’t have a tart pan does a pie pan work? Millie’s party is May 16. I had a client tell me about Strawberry Soup. Have you ever heard of that or have a recipe for it?

  2. LOVE THAT! it looks AMAZING CATHERINE! wow! i made this yummy breakfast quiche thing. it was really yum! I will send you the recipe! and, then i am making bow tie pasta with cherry tom and basil..something or other with garlic bread for dinner! (no traditions yet)! i just always make some sort of good breakfast thing. and then a nice nice dinner! i LIKE The doughnut idea! for real!
    that sounds awesome! i will start that OR a pie or something when i am skinny.
    OH! i am also making angel food cakes! mmmm
    too bad i can’t have any! lame!
    love you! love conference… i need to bake while we are on a break for the next session! love you girl!

  3. Going to conference, sitting in the tabernacle on the hard benches with a pillar directly in front of your view… 🙂 I want to invite you to our blog. Email address?


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